See Free 3D Hands in the news
Free 3D Hands is often featured in broadcast, digital and print media. Here you will find a selection to watch and listen to our Founder and CEO Mat Bowtell talk about what we do, how we do it, and most importantly WHY we do it.

Media Playlist
ABC News – March 2020 – Re-purposing of our 3D printers to produce 6000 free face shields in response to PPE shortages in Australia.

Breaking Brave with Marilyn Barefoot
How does one break on through to the other side? But really—how do we foster bravery? Each episode, find out how innovators and trailblazers from every walk of life broke through in their chosen or created fields. A podcast meant to inspire, inform and uplift.

Get Off the Bench! Podcast with Kerry Vaughan
Mat Bowtell founded Free 3D Hands after being his job in the car manufacturing industry came to a close. He now sends bionic hands and other assistive devices to people around the world completely free of charge.

Seize the Yay with Sarah Davidson
In this episode, Mat goes into more depth about starting Free 3D Hands to make assistive hand devices using 3D printers at a fraction of the cost which he then provides FREE for children around the world.

The EO Business Podcast for APAC
Ep 91 Mat Bowtell trades his high paying job at Toyota to give away 3D printed bionic hands
"Mat Bowtell is the founder and CEO of Free 3D Hands, an Australian charity who designs and 3D prints hands and assistive devices. The hands are provided for free, to children and adults all around the world and they even pay the postage! Mat freely shares his designs under an open-source licence so others can make and repair their own devices and to encourage further innovation. Mat’s goal is to significantly bring down the cost of assistive technology to help those who currently cannot access or afford it."Broadcast Media
Please note that these videos show older hand designs that we no longer use and some are from before we formalised as a charity. We prefer that they be used for reference only and not for promotional purposes. Thank you 🙂
The Project - June 2019 - Ch 10
House of Wellness - Sept 2019 - Ch 7
ABC Catalyst - Oct 2018
Access for all
We believe in a world where everyone has equal access to assistive technology!